Qi Lei

Telephone None
Room 161
Address Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Information Security and Dependability
Am Fasanengarten 5, Geb. 50.34
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Qi Lei

About me

I’m a first year PhD student in the "Artificial Intelligence and Security" group, where I’m fortunate to be supervised by Prof. Wressnegger. My research interest focuses on security and explainability of machine learning. During my undergraduate degree, I studied Electronic and Information Engineering at Dalian Maritime University. I completed my MSc in quantum cryptography at Beihang University supervised by Prof. Tao Shang. Prior to starting my PhD, I spent 4 years working on machine learning and side-channel analysis at Bank Card Test Center.

Outside of academic pursuits, I enjoy swimming, reading and photography.